Wednesday, June 23, 2010

couple quick notes...

Austin is on a mission....
He is starting to take many more steps at a time! He is off to at least 5-10 at a time, and he is practically RUNNING! Oh, how I am in trouble! Although he made me sad today when his momo picked him up from his granny's. At first he didn't want to leave granny for momo, and then he didn't want to leave momo for ME! :( He is clapping more often. ALSO, Chad is gone for 8 days, and we have had lots of phone calls. Well, Austin was playing on an old phone tonight....put it up to his ear, and said 'dada'....oh so cute, but so sad too! Miss you my love!

As far as Alyssa.....
CUTE story from tonight! One of her BFF's gave her a call tonight! They miss each other so much, and her friend Ainsley wanted to call and talk to her. They were talking about a sleepover and Alyssa's upcoming party. Alyssa even went into the other room because she didn't want me to listen! That happens already???!!! And, then she randomly started crying when we got out of the car this evening because she misses her daddy. We miss you & love you daddy!

Doing lots of reflecting these days with everything....oh how I need to be a MUCH more patient person and I need to SOAK up the moments that are flashing before me! Life is so precious, and I need to 'chill' out a bit more.

I love you Alyssa & Austin! Thanks for brightening my day!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random Things....

Well, this summer is not quite what I expected it to be! Our goal was to hit s'bahn at least 30 times....not sure that will happen! Between Alyssa being sick for over a week, and then a couple more days...that set us back. Then Austin was sick for a few days too. We also got our sad news about Popo, so we are spending lots of time with family. Which is good play time with cousins...when 'jealousy' and 'bossiness' is not an issue! Popo is doing much better this week. 7/10 radiation treatments are done! He is eating much better, and he is definitely up out of bed much more. Momo had to get a hospital bed to help him be more comfortable. And, he is definitely bossing Momo (and all of us) around! Austin is becoming a Momo's boy...he has her picking him up the instant he crawls to her and whimpers! Alyssa might try to bring home all the cats if we let her! Not sure what we will do when we leave and don't take one home with us! Chad is currently in AZ - we were all supposed to go, but we stayed to help take care of Popo. I won't miss the HOT temperatures, but we are missing Chaddo! We will not get to spend Father's Day with him...but we hope to have a nice little surprise for him when he returns. The week after next is supposed to be mine & Chad's get-a-way to Mexico....not sure what will happen with that.

While I am selfishly sad at times, I am also doing my best to simply treasure this time with family and no work! Just have to be creative in entertaining my children out of their 'environment' for over a week. I am truly blessed, and I will continue to remind myself of that! OH...and I am sooo thankful that my mom finally upgraded her internet service so that I can actually update my blog while here! And, keep in touch with civilization through email!!! The dial-up took about 10 minutes to get to one page! The things we become so accustomed to in our fast paced lives....Peace.....

Alyssa is almost 6...YIKES!

So, really....Alyssa is only about a month away from being 6. She is only a couple months away from being a first grader! I know everyone says the time truly flies by....I see my students growing up, going to college, getting married, having babies, and possibly becoming my co-workers!

The other night Alyssa asked me if we could move so 'Mrs. S' could be her teacher??? It is a teacher at her current school, who is moving to another school. She was one of Alyssa's first babysitters, and one of my first students I worked with in CISD. SOOOO CUTE!

Some things about Alyssa:
- girl has got a 'booty' - I cannot find a swimsuit that stays over her butt - even though it is so cute!
- you does NOT like to be picked on
- you do not like for people to laugh at you - even when your funny
- if we are in the car and you say something hilarious - you do not want me to call daddy or tell anyone else
- you were sick the first week of summer which was a bummer!
- went to CSI camp at McKenna the second week of summer with one of your best buds!
- you get very jealous when people give Austin lots of attention
- you want to be the 'first' to do everything
- you want everything to be your idea!! ugh...exhausting
- you like to 'argue' - aka - backtalk - about almost everything!
- you hate to take naps
- you are a CRAZY, wild sleeper
- you want a kitten SOOOOO even cried in the pet store the other day because your daddy would not get you one (your momo has over 15!)
- you want a stuffed animal almost every time we go to a store
- you have become such a better reader
- you have been a good student working on your summer packet from your 'loving' teacher
- you are truly a momma's girl!

I love you so much my dear!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Austin is 11 months old!

Wow! Time has truly flown by! I can't believe Austin is 11 months old already! I have not even started planning the birthday party....YIKES!! At 11 months here are some of the things Austin is doing:
- Standing by himself a lot
- Taking a couple steps here and there
- He will be off running way too soon!
- LOVES LOVES LOVES to ride in the wagon - goes straight for it when the door to the garage is left open
- We try to take him & Alyssa for a walk in it to check the mail (yes, Alyssa still barely fits in it!)
- He is quite a copycat of the things we do
- A picky eater already....ugh that is probably my fault!
- Making the noise where you open your mouth & move your hand across it as you saw 'aaahhh' - FUNNY!
- Sleeps through the night on the days he goes to Missie's - guess we don't wear him out enough!
- Was sick some last week - had to do some breathing treatments for the cough, and his ears had some drainage - guess that means the tubes are working!
- Very picky about the table foods he eats - still eats some baby food though
- Will go sit and just play in the computer room with Alyssa's toys
- Has already had a few trips to Schlitterbahn & seems to enjoy it!
- Can throw a MAJOR temper tantrum if he doesn't get something he wants - OH how fun that is! Missie said he did the worm across the floor one day because he didn't get his way!
- ALREADY had your first haircut too! My friend Donna gave you a trim.
- You are usually pretty happy & give out smiles!
- You know how to shake your head "NO" and tell us when you are through eating
- LOVE to be outside
- LOVE your new shovel from your 'aunts'
- Are very ticklish
- Not sure who you really look like....definitely Daddy's eyes and then everyone says different things. I don't really think you & Alyssa look alike from this age.....
- Have been crying lately when we leave you with a sitter....I think there is some anxiety issues going on.
- Going to sleep on your own in the crib! Bittersweet!
- LOVE LOVE LOVE your big sister!

Oh how I love you sweet boy! I love how you make me smile every morning. May you always know how much love you are surrounded by!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Bahn

Totally forgot to write about our first two trips to the Bahn! Austin had a GREAT time on our first trip when we went with some friends. He loved trying to catch the water coming up through a hole in one area....and then he loved the other area with fountains coming out of the ground. He sat for a while trying to just catch the water. He was pretty good with all of it...except when the water was REAL cold in one pool. Alyssa had a blast too...I was impressed as she went down one of the big, fast slides.

Went back another afternoon with another friend, Lo. We had a great time then as well. Austin was pretty tired though, and he fell asleep there. Alyssa and I rode one of the rides about 5 times in a row since there was no lines.

We are looking forward to many more trips there this summer!