Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh how I wish I had time to blog....

Seriously....it's been over a month since I have been able to post. There is so much to share, and I hope I don't forget some of it! I need to finish wrapping up summer, going back to days of inservice, construction at school, the start of another year, Alyssa starting 1st grade, another football season, hoping my first day of school is never so devastating again, losing my dad to a terrible thing called cancer, trying to catch up after missing the first week of school, all of us getting the stomach bug, being overwhelmed to be surrounded by such an amazing support system of family and friends, another softball season starting for Alyssa, Austin's bubbly personality, most recently now Momo has lost Jasmine (my old puppy), and we might be getting a kitten soon. Oh, so much to catch up on with work, life, my kids, sleep, and so much more. I hope to be back this weekend to share some things on my family.

I love you Ms. Alyssa and Mr. Austin. Thanks for truly being the bright spots in my day, even when my patience is gone & I don't always show the best love. I do love you both and your daddy....more than you all will ever know.

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